There are many ways to achieve that
- Read the memory and simulate clicks / keypresses
- Write bytes representing ASM instructions to the WoW address space either to modify already existing instructions (ex: Jump from an existing function like EndScene to your own Code) or inject new code to unused memory. This method is used by the old bot I previously released.
- Execute your tool as a part of WoW: Jump from a WoW functions to code written in your desired language which is part of your program. Wonder whats the difference to method 2? Read More Updates from this post.
Method 2 & 3 are offering once again different approaches to make something happen inside the game
- The easiest: Use DoString to execute Lua functions provided by the WoW api. Most tasks like buff checking can be done with more or less complex scripts.
- The time intensive (atleast in my opinion): Find the function which triggers the action you want. This can be very annoying aswell complicated. Just imagine what your bot need to be able to do for a moment: Target units, Interact with units, cast spells, check cooldowns to name only 4. For every functionality you need to find a function inside the WoW address space, reverse it (is it thread-safe? Which calling convention is used? Which parameters are passed? How are the parameters used inside the function?) and implement it.
- The most awesome: Find the function responsible for sending packets to the server. Reverse the packet structure and send your own ones.
First of all let me tell you why I think that sending packets is the best of the 3 previously mentioned: The client has checks for all kind of stuff to decide if an action is valid before it happens. Incase of sending packets you "ignore" every check and just send your bytes to the server.
Two little example:
- Calling a cast function the packet which tells the server that we are casting is only send when all conditions are met: The spell isnt on cooldown. We arent casting anything else right now. We have enough mana and so on. Sending a packet all previous checks are ignored. That doesnt mean that we can cast thousand spells at once by spaming packets: The emulator / server will also validate packets and check if the requested action is possible.
- Talking about serverside check I have another example: On well known project you could learn more than 2 professions by sending the responsible packets.
So can we also find exploits like this? Indeed! Every packet has a number which tells the server what kind of packet it is. Depending on this number the data attached to the packet is processed by a handler function.
As we send our own packets we dont have to stick to "rules". We can send whatever we want and in conclusion also trigger actions unwanted by the server administration. If only one information inside the packet isnt validated and checked for integrity we may have found a working exploit (example for the profession exploit: The server didnt check if we already had two professions)
How do we build our packet? Basically we have a DataStore struct which holds a pointer to a buffer at byte 4 and some other information which we care about later.
The buffer starts with a integer holding the opcode of the packet followed by information depending on the type of packet. A pointer to the struct is then passed to netclient::send which will process it further.
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